“ This is the most hopeful, thoughtful book I've read in years. Edelstein captures that which is best in the human spirit, while simultaneously asking us to be courageous, moving past our political comfort zones. The book is extremely well written. The prose is tight, smart, and yet quite readable…This book gives me hope that we can improve our democracy from the inside out, challenging our politicians to dig deep for the necessary political courage. ”
“ This book is positive, thought provoking and inspiring…The book doesn't claim to have all the answers but rather, invites the reader to think and act differently. I found myself pondering the ideas presented, building on them, and thinking creatively about democracy. If you want to be similarly inspired, read this book. ”
“ This is an important, thought-provoking book, and should be read by everyone in public office as well as those interested in improving our civil discourse…If our political leaders could begin voluntarily adopting some of Edelstein's suggestions, our country would be all the better for it…A must read! ”
“ I loved this book. Like so many generation x-ers I know, I grew up inspired by our political system, but have been steadily losing hope that what's broken in politics can ever be fixed…The book is filled with illuminating historical context and inspiring examples. I came away thinking this could actually work! More importantly, I have a starting point with my neighbors and my representatives to talk constructively about fixing what's broken in our politic discourse and government. ”
“ This book is a beacon of, not just hope - but actionable options and solutions towards achieving, lasting, positive change... If you feel tarnished, if not ravaged by, what has arguably been the most vicious, divisive, cynical presidential campaign, perhaps, ever - give this book a read. It will not only restore your faith in what the United States CAN be - it will provide you with a tangible, actionable path, to get there. ”